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artificial blood 人造血。

artificial daylight

Modern efforts to produce artificial blood were spurred on by the military in world wars i and ii and , more recently , by the discovery in the early 1980s that hiv could be transmitted by blood transfusion 在第一次世界大戰和第二次世界大戰以及最近的20世紀80年代發現hiv (人類免疫缺陷病毒)能夠通過輸血傳播的驅動下,開始了現代生產人造血液的努力。

Recently , he has also extended the application of his intravital technology to study hemorrhagic and septic shock and the therapeutic effectiveness of artificial blood substitutes in shock treatment 最近,張教授亦將活體內的科技應用于出血性及膿毒性休克的研究及治療休克的人造血液代用品的研究。

In vitro induction , differentiation and seeding of source cells for the endothelialization of small - diameter artificial blood vessel of polyurethane 小徑聚氨酯人工血管內皮化種子細胞的體外誘導分化及種植實驗

Theatrical makeup and artificial blood had been used to make the injuries look realistic 用舞臺化裝油彩和人造血使創傷看起來很逼真。

Analysis of flow field in an artificial blood pump with cfd 血液透析機血泵故障需分型辨治